So like the title says, these are pictures that really make me smile! They are NOT a bunch of technically correct images and I have not put a great deal of thought or planning into(most of them) and definately not much time in post processing, just random things that I am enjoying taking and not hired to take. Since I will be babysitting Marley this summer I am sure she will be the star of most shots, but that's okay because SHE really makes me SMILE!!
I saw a shot very similar to this on a web board, it really made me go Aaaahhhhh so since a lot of Marley & my day is spent on my back porch complete with a years supply of sidewalk chalk, it was a very easy shot to get. I wrote the words, made the arrow and she steped in!
She found this "treasure" on the porch, a bead, and insisted I take a picture of it.
We learned to spell LOVE with her wonderful little feet making the V. Hoping by end of summer she can write the word all by herself.
She loves to play music on this thing and I love to watch her cute little hands make the music!
Playing dress up with our thrift store scores! Prairie girl here :) She chose the background and I think she made a great choice! Sure glad we didn't throw this old fence section into the burn pile!
She next chose to sit in the chair and sing to Mr. Bunny. I tried to catch a shot with her singing, but she knew I was trying to and promptly stopped when I put the camera to my eye.
We have "BIG" vehicles here at our place and they are pretty scary to her even when they are sitting still in a pile of weeds. I finally convinced her it wouldn't move & "get her" and she let me take a picture to prove she stood by it. :)
This is where the deer like to bed down. She was pretty annoyed that no deer were here today!
Proving that she is taller than the tires!
Walking on the back of one of Papa's work trucks. This lasted about 10 seconds before she was covered in grease!!
Outfit change... had to clean the grease off. This is her "rock star" outfit :) She was pretty interested in what was in the shed.
Just sitting on the porch.
Now she is a rock star :)
Mr. Bunny joined the band.
A friend came by with her dog. Marley loves dogs and I hope we can get our yard fenced soon so we can get her one of her own.
Day was done, Marley had went home but our artwork remained. Miss Mooie who is the in & out the door fanatic, sat down to watch a bird in the yard. Camera was still within reach and I couldn't resist this shot. AND yes, I love her too!