This is Corey, I took her senior photos in late October. We had to search for the pretty fall colors since the wind had pretty much blew them all away. What a darling girl, such a joy to photograph! We started our session down by Ochoco Creek by the middle school, then moved on to a mini mall for the brick work shots. THEN we went to Ochoco Creek park...........
I took her older sisters senior photos at the park several years ago and for the sake of having some "matching" type shots, we returned to the same places at the park and got some shots of Corey. One "match" shot was on the bridge and the other was on an old log. The LOG shot was a DISASTER! Corey laid down on the log in a similar pose as her sister had. Several seconds later she starts squirming and saying ouch, oucH, ouCH oUCH, OUCH!!!!! SOMETHING IS BITING ME ALL OVER!!!! She jumped up off the log and uncovered the wasp nest she had been laying on. We all ran and the wasps chased us, poor Corey had the wasps all over her, even in her hair! IT WAS BAD! When it was all over with and Corey was fine, we all had a great laugh about it and decided we better find her a different log to lay on. hahahaha! We found one and she very carefully checked it out before posing on it. Well Corey....the result was a beautiful shot! :)
We got lots of wonderful shots of this beautiful girl, here are a few of my favorites, and of course THE LOG SHOT! :)